Parent Council

Welcome ÉSRSS Parents!
The parent group is in need of a President, Vice-President and Secretary. The group will not be able to proceed with hot lunches or other activities this year until the three positions are filled. Everyone (Kindergarten – Grade 8 Parents) is welcome to be a part of the parent group. Please contact Angie Henkelman at 734-4518 or if you are interested.
Here are a few good reasons why you should get involved...
1. Be 'in' the loop with the school happenings! Being involved in a PAC gives you a better understanding of what is going on at the school.
2. Share your thoughts! Come to bring forth your ideas, opinions or concerns that you or other parents may share.
3. Be a part of something. Be a part of our community where you will get to know other parents and our school staff.
4. Your time is important. The PAC does not need to be a major time commitment, it only has to be what the members want it to be. So if that means less meetings and planning, then that is what the group will do!
5. We're here for a good time, not a long time! Most ÉSRSS students (Grade 6-8) are here for a short time. So..... If kids are here for a shorter time, your PAC involvement is also shorter!