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ESRSS School Policy for Academic Responsibility

We believe that ESRSS students can complete their own quality work, meet timelines and should be accountable for these positive behaviours.  ESRSS is committed to helping students acquire the traits necessary to become responsible lifelong learners and contributing members of society. As such, ESRSS staff and administration have produced the following document that is in line with both provincial and divisional documents referencing academic responsibility, honesty and promotion/retention of students.

We expect that students at ESRSS will complete all assignments by their due date.  The following are the “big ideas” that drive our policy and are described later in the document. 

Teachers will:

  • - Establish and clearly communicate expectations regarding assignment criteria, outcomes, etc.
  • - Set and communicate reasonable timelines.  Methods of communication can include notes, agenda messaging, classroom homework walls, Google Classroom, email, PowerSchool notifications, etc.
  • - Communicate and apply consequences for late/missing work.  Work is considered late when it is not submitted by the deadline set out by the classroom teacher.

ESRSS staff is committed to making sure that students have every opportunity possible to complete late work/assignments.  As such, the following is a process by which teachers will be working with students to complete late or missing work.

  1. When a deadline for an assignment is missed, teachers will be conferencing with the student, making sure that the assignment components are understood and making a plan for completion.  This plan will include time outside of class through the use of recess, lunch hour, homework, etc.
  2. If the teacher/student conference and plan for finishing up work is unsuccessful, communication with home will take place where an understanding will be reached between teacher, parent and student outlining the following remedial steps towards completing work:
  • - A new final deadline for completion will be set by the classroom teacher
  • - Acknowledgement that when the new deadline is reached, whatever portion of the assignment that is completed will be handed in and the assignment will be marked accordingly


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