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Grade 8 Wellman Lake Trip - June


Update! Tomorrow is the Grade 8 Wellman Trip. Please see the itinerary below: 


Dear Parents / Guardians,

ÉSRSS is in the process of planning an outdoor education trip for students in Grade 8 on Wednesday, June 19th.  The goal of this trip is to help make your child’s exposure to the outdoor environment a positive and rewarding experience.

This outdoor education trip will be for students who are caught up with their work, have demonstrated good citizenship in our school, as well as the ability to be respectful and trustworthy while on the trip.

Plans are finalized for the trip on June 19th.  Activities that students will be taking part in include hiking, dock fishing, canoeing, and low organized games.  (Canoe safety training will be provided at the SVCU Center June 12th.)

While at the SVCU Center, proper canoe stroke techniques, safe entry to and from a canoe, as well as a variety of canoe rescue methods will all be addressed on this day.   Additionally, students will have to complete a swim test to be eligible to participate in the canoe portion of our Outdoor Day.  The swim test consists of a disorienting entry into the pool (ex. forward roll), followed by 1 minute of treading water, followed by a 50m continuous swim.

There will be a $25 fee to each student that attends the outdoor education trip on June 19th.   ÉSRSS will be using School Cash Online as a payment method for this trip. Please check out our website, /esrss/_ci/p/3933 where instructions and information for online payment is located. Student expenses will be used to offset costs associated with meals, transportation, camp programs etc.  If another method of payment is desirable, contact the school office @ 204-734-4518.

Please sign and return both permission forms, as well as the intent form showing your child’s intent for the trip by Monday, June 3rd 2024.  


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